anoche piano album
Anoche is a solo piano album written at night or very early in the morning, a sound that blends with the silence.
The record starts with a reinterpretation of the song Lágrimas Negras (Black Tears - composed in 1929 by the Cuban musician Miguel Matamoros). Vuelvo (Coming back) sounds like suddenly remembering something - or someone - we thought long forgotten. There are hidden lyrics within Contigo (With you), lyrics of the song Me quedo contigo, where the words become a base for a new melody. Noche (Night) is a secret, something that happened the night before that feels irrevocably different in the morning. Vuelo (Fly) is about understanding and taking off again. Albura (Whiteness) is inspired by the story Los limpiadores de estrellas (The star washers) by Julio Cortázar, which takes us to a tremendous denouement where the darkness is completely gone and the night disappears. This leads us to the piece that closes the album, Anoche (Last night), which is a homage to movement, to the lightness we feel when we dance.
The album has been recorded on three different pianos: the special Steinway & Sons upright piano from Aclam Records, the warm grand piano of composer Bruno Sanfilippo’s studio and the intimate upright piano at Nil Ciuró’s studio.
Mixed by Juan Berbin and mastered by Alex Saltz (APS Mastering, NYC). Released under New York based label Sonder House.